Leonardo Castro

Web Developer


Cat Lover

Web Developer with +2 years of expertise in designing and implementing responsive web applications, specializing in backend development. Driven by a strong sense of curiosity, innovation, and a commitment to leveraging my skills to solve complex problems and deliver high-quality solutions.

Image profile


Junior Full-Stack Developer

Zero Day Software Company

  • Developed user interfaces for the core service using HTML, JavaScript, and the W3.CSS framework, ensuring a responsive and intuitive user experience.
  • Maintained and optimized backend API endpoints for the core service, leveraging PHP to enhance performance and reliability.
  • Designed and implemented custom microservices using PHP and Docker, facilitating scalable and efficient service architecture.
  • Managed and organized codebase using Git for version control, adhering to industry-standard best practices and open-source community guidelines.

Full-Stack Developer

In alcomar.com.mx

  • Designed a standardized website structure incorporating essential sections such as Contact, About Us, and Products, utilizing the TailwindCSS library for modern and responsive design.
  • Developed a robust backend to support the website using the Laravel Framework in PHP, ensuring efficient data handling and seamless integration.
  • Created and optimized a MySQL database structure, implementing migrations through Laravel's ORM, to ensure data integrity and scalability.
  • Developed backend endpoints for website administration, enabling efficient content management and operational control.

Web Designer

In alidec.com.mx

  • Designed a comprehensive website structure that includes key sections such as Contact, About Us, Services, and Gallery, ensuring a logical and user-friendly navigation experience.
  • Developed and implemented an intuitive interface design for the main page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, focusing on responsiveness and visual appeal.
  • Optimized the website layout to enhance user engagement and accessibility across different devices and screen sizes.

Do you have a project in mind?

I also work as a freelancer

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Skills and Tools

More about me

Mar. 5

Prefered Language

Ellenora's food icons image reference

Cozy RPG Game feat. @Ellen0ra

As a video game enthusiast, one of my favorite hobbies is game development. This project is a cozy RPG inspired by games like Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing. It is developed entirely in the Godot game engine and is intended as a collaborative project with Ellenora. This simple project serves as both practice for me and a step towards fulfilling one of my dreams: to officially publish a game. Through this project, I aim to refine my skills in game development, work on collaborative creativity, and bring an enjoyable gaming experience to others.








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Creative writing

I wrote a story called `Padre`, a short story of reflection on life and interpersonal relationships. U can read it on megustaescribir.com